Changing the Linux Mint Login Screen Background Images

mintx_loginNewer versions of Linux Mint use MintX as the default login screen greeter. By default it comes with a predefined collection of images that display in the background that change periodically in a slide show type format. The default images are great but I wanted to add a personal touch to my system and change them to my own photos.

Here I will run you through the process of changing MintX to use images of your choosing. First create a directory for the new images to live in:

sudo mkdir /usr/share/backgrounds/custom/

Now using sudo, copy some images on the systems that you would like to use as backgrounds into the newly created directory i.e

sudo cp ~/Documents/Pictures/my_photo.jpg /usr/share/backgrounds/custom/

Edit the MintX slide show configuration file:

sudo nano /usr/share/mdm/html-themes/Mint-X/slideshow.conf

Scroll down past the heading [backgrounds] and delete all of the default entries. Then add in some pointing to the images you copied over i.e


When your done save your changes, logout and you should now see your custom images being used as the background at the login prompt.