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Simple Iptables Blacklist

Anyone that has run a server for any length of time quickly learns that the Internet is full of spammers, bots and other characters you would prefer didn’t exist. A firewall is key to keeping these guys out and Linux comes with a Kernel level firewall called iptables that can…

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Creating a Tor Relay on Debian

The TOR project has proven itself an important tool in the fight to protect the anonymity of people online. The project obviously needs servers to route traffic through for the project to achieve its goals though. So contributors are needed to donate relays nodes ensuring a free Internet for all.…

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PHP FPM Errors After Upgrade

Recently I noticed a few of my servers had stopped serving my sites, withย  502 errors being to visitors. I took a look at my site logs and noticed that they were full of the “Permission Denied” errors below: 2014/06/09 09:45:17 [crit] 11453#0: *22 connect() to unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock failed (13: Permission…

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