Creating Rounded Edges With CSS3

Rounded corners are often lauded in the design world, UX / UI people claim rounded edges are easier on the eyes and makes information easier to process by our brains. A few years back it used to be a pain to achieve this effect though. With a developer having to use multiple rules in their style sheets to achieve compatibility over the major browsers. Luckily times have changed and a developer can easily round the corners of their designs with the use of the CSS3 border-radius property.

To use the border-radius property in its most simplest form, you simply need to add it to your elements definition and specify the length of the rounded edge in pixels e.g

#myElement {
           margin: auto;
           height: 200px;
           width: 200px;
           border: 1px solid #0000FF;
           padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
           border-radius: 10px;

The above use of the property will simply round all for corners of the elements with the id “myElement” to a length of 10 pixels.

See example.

What is meant by length?
Length dimensions for border-radiusLength is the distance used to define the vertical and horizontal radii of a quarter circle. In layman’s terms it defines the size of the curves on your element. A length can either be defined by actual dimensions i.e 10px or as a percentage corresponding to the dimensions of the element that is being defined.

Four values can be provided to the border-radius property to define different size curves for each corner other the element. These corner values are ordered from the top left in a clockwise direction e.g

border-radius: top-left top-right bottom-left bottom-right;

See example.

Differently angled curves
Each corner may also be styled separately with use of the four properties:


These properties can be provided with two different properties, defining the horizontal and vertical length of a curve. This allows flexibility with the angle of the curve applied to the chosen element.

See example.

Browser Support
The main question your probably asking yourself is can I start using it? Luckily the features is supported in all the modern popular browsers and has been for some time in most of them.

Opera 10.5+
Safari 5+ although rounded corners can be provided in Safari 3.1 – 4.0 by use of the -webkit-border-radius parameter.
Chrome 5+
Internet Explorer 9+
Firefox 1.0 onwards although the older versions require use of the slightly different -moz-border-radius property. With support for the standard border-radius property added with the release of Firefox 4.

Further Reading:

Why rounded corners are easier on the eyes?

The -moz-border-radius property